Green Sky Chaser

21 April 2011 Chase Log

Target Area: Gainesville/Denton, Texas

Chase Area: Bust - storms too far away

Observations: supercell anvil and cows

Distance: 315 miles

Time: 7 hours

Chase Team: Jeff Makowski and myself

SPC Convective Outlook: Slight Risk (Click to see SPC products, data, and storm reports)

Chase Setup: A broad trough was located over the Rockies. A warm front was situated near the Red River Oklahoma/Texas border, and dewpoints ahead of the dryline in far western Oklahoma / northwestern Texas were near 60. A lot of things looked decent with this setup, but they weren't all juxtaposed in the most favorable way.

Blog Entries:

Chase #5...Sort-of (after)

Chase Log: Not much to say about this day. We headed down to Texas late in the afternoon, in hopes of finding a supercell forming along the warm front. There were a couple of nice supercells that formed in far west Texas, whose anvils we could see, but in the end, nothing for us but cows and a nice sunset.

Anvil of a tornado-warned supercell just northwest of Abilene (taken from Denton)