
New Blog

Posted in General News at 10:47 pm by Rebekah

Happy New Year!  With the start of the new year, I’d like to get back to updating my website and posting on my blog more often.  I was very busy this past semester, but I plan to greatly improve this website and blog before the new chase season starts, potentially in just a couple of months!  I also plan to improve my knowledge of chasing and my arsenal of chase equipment soon…including a new HD camcorder (the old one isn’t HD), a new GPS unit and mapping software (the GPS is broke and the old CDs I had don’t work on Vista–go figure), and possibly a new data plan so that I can connect my laptop to the Internet while on the road.  I already have one new piece of equipment I’ve long wanted–my first DSLR camera!  It’s a Nikon D3000, with two lenses that help take incredibly sharp photos.  It was partly a Christmas gift from my parents, and partly a gift from myself.  🙂

Yahoo! recently moved their blogging support from Movable Type to WordPress, and I neglected to switch my files over before they removed my access.  Thus I had to start a new blog, and that’s what you’re looking at now.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I can move my old posts and comments to this one.

Welcome to the new blog, and please stay tuned for updates!

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