
Website / Blog Updates

Posted in General News at 1:18 pm by Rebekah

In case any of you, faithful readers, have been wondering what happened to me, I have been pretty swamped the last couple of weeks with classwork — hence the lack of blog posts and website updates.  Weather (especially severe weather) has not been too exciting here lately, though, so I have been spending time getting stuff done before the chasing season really sets in.

I did just update the photo of the week (it’s a photo of a pileus cloud that I saw on my last chase, on April 6th) over on my website (see link on the right of the page).  Later this afternoon, after I get a bit more work done on a class project, I hope to update chase logs and photos for this year and to write the next feature post on global weather.

Hint: it’s the home of the 2016 Olympics…

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