
New Photo Display on Website

Posted in General News at 12:48 pm by Rebekah

One of the features of the remodeled website will be to view photos in more of a photo gallery format as is common on many other websites.

I have been looking at many different options for this, and I found a nice little application that allows me to display photos in this manner.  The html output allows me to edit the photo gallery to suit my needs, so I may not be done with this yet.  I would have liked to find an option that is more dynamic, and gives that sort-of animated scrolling appearance to the thumbnails, but until I find a php script to do that for me (or learn enough php to do it on my own), this is what I’ve got.

Please visit this sample site (3 photos from 23 Feb 2007), and let me know what you think!  The only link back to my site is one on the index page that goes to the chase log.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!


PS – Another change (which I’ve already implemented) is no more “this day in history” on the front page…it’s too time-consuming to maintain in its present state, and if I find a good way to automate it, it may return – but for now, I’m sad to say it’s gone…

1 Comment

  1. Robin said,

    June 12, 2010 at 11:26 pm

    I like the new format. It will be much easier to scroll through them like that. And I just realized you are visible in that one photo as a reflection. Nice to see you! 🙂

    I am sorry to see the “this day in history” go, but can imagine it is very time-consuming. It was fun to learn that Ben Franklin had an anniversary recently. I thought about him that day as our own storm clouds rolled by overhead, but I didn’t want to hoist a kite to celebrate!
