
And Just When You Thought Carlos Was Done…

Posted in Non-US Weather, Tropical Weather, Weather News at 8:00 am by Rebekah

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Carlos just keeps on dancing down the northwestern coast of Australia!

This is so strange…the tropical low was upgraded to tropical cyclone as soon as it moved OFF the coast (would that be a…waterfall? :)), then it came back onshore, swirled around Darwin and dumped over 2 feet of rain on the area in about 3 days (over half the average February rainfall). Now it’s still being recognized as a tropical low. Carlos is close to making it offshore again, but really has the best chance in a couple of days, when the low could become a Category 1 cyclone again.

Oh, and in the meantime, Category 3, Severe Tropical Cyclone Dianne is off the west coast of Australia, actually acting more in character for a tropical cyclone (well, except for the couple of little loop-de-loops the Bureau of Meteorology had her taking). Dianne isn’t expected to make landfall, but to gradually weaken.


EDIT: The Bureau of Meteorology now has Carlos getting to a Category 2!

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  1. Tweets that mention Green Sky Chaser » And Just When You Thought Carlos Was Done… -- Topsy.com said,

    February 20, 2011 at 1:10 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rebekah LaBar, Rebekah LaBar. Rebekah LaBar said: Blog "And Just When You Thought Carlos Was Done.." Ex- #TCCarlos continues its strange trek along the Aussie coast! http://bit.ly/ed5MwP #fb […]