Preparing To Embark On A New Adventure…
I am very pleased to announce that I have accepted a job offer to work as a meteorologist on Kwajalein Island!
Kwajalein Island is an island in the Kwajalein Atoll, which is part of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The Marshall Islands are a large group of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, just west of the International Date Line and just north of the equator.
Kwajalein is a pretty small island, at only about 3 miles long and half a mile wide. There are about 1,200 people who live on the island, all working under the U.S. government.
My job will be a forecast position with a private weather company that has a contract there with the U.S. Army. I think the job sounds very interesting and exciting, and I could gain some great experience while on the tropical island.
I’m sure you must have a lot of questions, including how am I ever going to do without storm chasing. While I will miss storm chasing, I believe that I can give it up for now as the ocean is my first love and this is a wonderful and unique opportunity. I will be able to learn all about tropical weather firsthand, as well as tropical plant and animal life both on the islands and in the sea.
I will certainly attempt to keep up with this blog, continuing to post primarily on weather and storm events, but as I will not be storm chasing or living in the U.S. for the next couple of years, I expect my number of posts will decrease. I do thank you for coming to read this blog, and I hope that I can continue to deliver interesting weather posts.
I will be starting a new blog, though, and that is where I will likely put most of my blogging energy while I go through this island adventure. Sometimes there will be crossover posts, too.
Here is the link to my new blog: http://www.greenskychaser.com/kwajalein