
Spring Coming Early to the Southern Plains

Posted in Weather News at 8:00 am by Rebekah

Weather across the U.S. is pretty tranquil this weekend, but we soon expect a pattern change that will bring warmer temperatures and a chance for thunderstorms to the Southern Plains.

Central Oklahoma will likely reach 80 °F this week; a far cry from the sub-zero temperatures this past week.

By the end of this coming week, models are showing the western ridge will break down and we’ll see a more progressive pattern with shortwave troughs digging into the Southwest. It also looks like the dewpoints will start to rise by the end of the week, and although we should get a few more fronts that will lower the dewpoints again, it certainly appears that the Southern Plains anyway is done with winter and we’ll soon be on to storm season!

500 mb GFS forecast for next Saturday, from Twister Data

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