Posted in General News at 8:00 am by Rebekah
Yesterday I went to a very interesting seminar on the extreme weather events lately in Australia, and how they may be tied to La Niña, natural climate variability, and climate change. I took some notes from the talk and plan on writing up a summary of the seminar for the blog next week.
Today I just want to give you a taste of one of the many projects I’m working on in the lightning research group at OU.
Lately I’ve been analyzing a lightning flash that got my attention last July. While coming back from a chase in northern Oklahoma on July 11th, I saw a lightning stroke that went from the ground to the cloud. I know this type of lightning occurs in areas with tall towers, but I had never seen this with my own eyes before. Now I’m looking at lightning data for the storm and also looking into studying upward-going lightning in other storms, as well as studying up on the literature on the subject as I don’t know much about it.

Captured with my HD camcorder.
Posted in General News, Photography at 8:00 am by Rebekah
For today’s blog I was thinking about discussing the possibility of severe storms next week, but as it looks like that isn’t going to happen now, I thought I’d take a moment to introduce my sister’s new blog.

Photo by Caitlin LaBar
While I’m out chasing tornadoes, Caitlin chases butterflies. She’s always been interested in studying insects, and she’s one of the smartest people I know when it comes to insects, especially butterflies and moths of the Pacific Northwest.
This is what her new blog will focus on: “observing, rearing, and collecting butterflies and moths in the Pacific Northwest. My goal is to post a new entry at least once a week, on topics involving personal observations, how-to guides, “biographies” of local Lepidoptera species, and photographic journals of my exploits.”
So if any of you have any interest in butterflies or insects in general (or know someone who does), especially for those that live in the Pacific Northwest, I encourage you to check out her site, and bookmark the site as there will be more coming soon.
Also, Caitlin is an excellent photographer; her photos of insects look just like ones you’d see in an identification book. She also takes great photos of birds, and has already started posting some of those.
The blog site is Northwest Butterflies (http://northwestbutterflies.blogspot.com/). Enjoy!
I now return you to your regularly scheduled weather blog.
PS: The Storm Prediction Center has recently put “predictability too low” in the day 4 to 8 forecast, instead of “potential too low”…that could be a good sign for even garden variety thunderstorms soon…
Posted in General News at 12:50 pm by Rebekah
I finished posting the chase logs and photos for 2010…I haven’t posted any chase videos post-May 31, but for now you can see the best of my videos (with sound, unlike the YouTube clips) on my chase DVD, “The Whirlwind And The Storm“. 🙂
I’ve still got to get around to finishing up chase logs from 2005 – 2007, but there aren’t very many of them so it should go quickly once I start working on them again.
I’ll have a few website tweaks here and there by the time the chase season rolls around, and I’ll try to keep more up-to-date with 2011 chase logs and photos. Here’s to a successful 2011 storm chasing season!
Just got to get through another pesky snowstorm that could bring another 8+ inches of snow to central Oklahoma again tomorrow….
Posted in General News at 5:06 pm by Rebekah
I’ve posted chase logs and photos on the website for June 14 (north Texas shelf clouds), June 15 (east Texas Panhandle thunderstorm), June 23 (north central Oklahoma / south central Kansas thunderstorms), June 24 (southeast Colorado thunderstorm), June 25 (southwest Minnesota supercell and squall line), and June 26 (east South Dakota supercell and squall line). Check it out! I’ll be posting more of these soon.
Posted in General News at 3:04 pm by Rebekah
Everything in the marketplace is now on sale through at least 11:59 pm CST on December 26th.
- All prints 20% off
- 2010 DVD $5 off (now only $20)
- T-Shirt $5 off (now only $20)
- 2011 Calendar $10 off (now only $15 until I run out of stock)
- ALSO…for those who want a DVD AND calendar, I’m running a special combo deal (look under the DVD purchase options)…$30 for both ($37 international)
Shipping is included for all items.
In other news, the semester is almost over…so I will soon have some much needed time to spend working on web improvements (including new chase logs and photos) and to post more frequently on the blog. It’s been a pretty crazy semester, and I’m looking forward to getting some time off! 🙂
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