
Program Note

Posted in General News at 11:14 am by Rebekah

I have obviously been absent from this blog for a couple of weeks, but I hope to get back to more regular posts. I apologize for keeping you waiting!

I have been plagued recently with numerous computer problems, from my primary laptop failing to my older laptop failing. My newer laptop is getting fixed up in the shop, while my older one is now back to working okay…though I don’t trust it at all. I have also had problems with Yahoo!…in case you hadn’t noticed, their servers have had some problems recently and both my webpage and this blog were not available for a little while.

I am also trying to finish my storm chasing DVD in time for the National Weather Festival at the National Weather Center here in Norman…that event is the first Saturday of November. My computer problems have prevented me from working on that for a while, but I’m back to working on it and will spend more time on the project once my college mid-term is over.

That’s what’s been keeping me the most busy…studying. I’m taking two graduate classes (Numerical Weather Prediction and Convective Clouds and Storms), and I just finished a mid-term in one of them and I will have the other mid-term a week from Thursday. Once that’s over, I can hopefully breathe a sigh of relief and move forward with some of my other projects, including the DVD.   🙂

Anyway, just thought I’d share why I have been absent lately. I’ll post the next article in the World Wide Weather series shortly.


Prints For Sale

Posted in General News, Photography at 6:07 pm by Rebekah

Prints of my storm chase photos are now available for purchase on my website marketplace.

Currently, only selected photos from 2010 storm chases are posted in the photo gallery. More photos will be continue to be posted in upcoming weeks.

If you encounter any problems with the marketplace photo gallery, please let me know.

I am also working on a storm chasing highlights DVD for 2010 (for more details, see the marketplace). I hope to have it ready for sale by early November, if not sooner.


Campo Tornado Photos Posted

Posted in General News at 6:19 pm by Rebekah

EDIT: A 5-minute sample of my HD Campo video has just been posted to YouTube – check it out!


I’ve finally posted the long-awaited (well, at least by me!) chase log and photos from the Campo, Colorado tornado day.  I took over 500 photos this day, so it was difficult to narrow down the selection to some of the best of the best.




One-Year Anniversary!

Posted in General News at 12:24 pm by Rebekah

The new Green Sky Chaser site is now up (most of the URLs are still the same) – go and check it out!

I meant to have it uploaded last night, but of course there was a hiccup when I started transferring files, so part of the old site was deleted while the new site would not upload, and then I was not able to connect to the server for quite some time.  The server just started cooperating, though, so now it’s done…I apologize for any problems you may have experienced in accessing the site over the past several hours.  Thanks for your patience!

Let me know what you think!


New Website Design Coming…Monday!

Posted in General News at 5:55 pm by Rebekah

Be sure to check out the Green Sky Chaser home page on Monday, as I’ll be unveiling the new design, on the one-year anniversary of Green Sky Chaser!

There will be a few big changes, including the layout, the lack of a photo of the week (for now–I may reinstate this soon), random rotation of the home page photo, new chase photo gallery layouts, and new chase logs and photos!

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